About TCM

The Triumphant Christian Movement (TCM) is not a denomination nor a church. It is an independent non-denominational Christian movement.
The TriumThe Triumphant Christian Movement (TCM)phant Christian Movement (TCM)
The Triumphant Christian Movement (TCM) was established in March 2016. It is a movement with a mission of supporting believers in our Lord Jesus Christ to be biblically informed, spiritually led and be relevant to their generation by living with a biblical worldview.
TCM believes that if every believe understands the importance of their kingdom roles within their spheres of influence and have a sound biblical worldview, they will be able to influence their societies for Christ.

The movement cuts across racial, cultural, and denominational barriers.

The purpose of this organisation is to empower Christians to be relevant to their generation and impact nations for Christ.

Triumphant Christian Movement Goals

To win and build souls for the kingdom of God.

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A Practical Guide to Studying and Understanding the Bible

Have you ever read parts of your Bible and found yourself wondering what they mean? Maybe you’ve heard a preacher give an interpretation of Scripture that doesn’t sit well with you. Or perhaps you’re a preacher and would like to improve your Bible interpretation skills. The question is: how can we read and understand the Bible? This course will provide you with simple steps to help you better interpret and apply the Bible.